2021 Bull Sale Report
TSLN Rep: Scott Dirk
Date of Sale: February 17, 2021
Location: Sale held at the ranch East of Sturgis, SD
Auctioneer: Doug Dietterle
108 Yearling Angus Bulls – $5,562
13 Two-Year-Old Bulls – $5,153
Overall Average: 121 Bulls – $5,516
Jon, Breezy, Ryle and Kobi Millar hosted the 20th Annual Millar Angus bull sale at the ranch east of Sturgis, SD. There was a very nice crowd of buyers, bidders and neighbors that came to the sale to enjoy a great steak sandwich and get a look at this thick set of bulls. Most all buyers at the sale were repeat buyers. That means the Millar bulls work and stay sound for several breeding seasons.
Topping the sale was lot 32, Millars Tombstone 084, 1/20 son of Millars Tombstone 783 x Millars Insight 925 to Eric Iverson, White River, SD for $16,000.
Lot 5, Millars Duke 007, 1/20 son of Millars Duke 816 x Millars Ally 879 to Charles and Rosalie Tennis, Vale, SD for $15,000.
Lot 1, Millars Double Aught, 1/20 son of Millars Duke 916 x Connealy Capitalist 028 to Kevin Warne, Estelline, SD for $12,000.
Lot 7, Millars Duke 092, 1/20 son of Millars Duke 816 x Musgrave Aviator to Ross Cuny, Buffalo Gap, SD for $10,500.
Lot 46, Millars Coalition 042, 2/20 son of U-2 Coalition 206C x Tombstone 050 to Eric Iverson, White River, SD for $10,000.